Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I’m so Excited, so Here’s a Giveaway

        In less than a month’s time, the Hubby and I will be making the 14-hour drive to Chicago, so that I can attend the RT Booklovers Convention. (He will be attending the C2E2 Comic Book Convention going on the same weekend.)

        This is my first convention, and I am extremely excited to go. My goal is to learn all I can and have a great time doing it. I will get to meet and be instructed by many different and amazing authors and editors, and I’m looking forward to coming home ready to apply what I’ve learned to my current WIP.

        I will be sure to blog my experience during this fun-filled week.

        All this talk about meeting authors brought me back to my trip to San Francisco last October when I met 4 fabulous authors. I completely forgot that I had bought a giveaway treat for you, my followers and have yet to host the giveaway that I’d promised. So There goes.

        I have here, a copy of Becca Fitzpatrick’s SILENCE to giveaway to one lucky winner. What’s so special about this particular novel you ask? Well…not only is it her third book in the HUSH HUSH series and an AMAZING read, but as you can see from the above picture, I got this one signed just for you.

      Open to all who wish to win this great hardcover book. (International)   
        Contest closes on March 30 2012 at Midnight

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! My fingers and toes are crossed!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Great giveaway! Lucy, I had to stop by and say hello. I love your website.

  3. So, I pretty much read that you're a NASCAR fan and I had to follow you!!! Lol Thanks for the giveaway! :-D
